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<font color="red" style="font-size:45px; text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;" face="Rye"><b> HACKED BY </b></font><b><font color="white" style="font-size:45px; text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;" face="Rye">İMHA TİMİ - WEB HACK BİRİM KOMUTANLIĞI</font></b>
<img src="" width="500">
<img src=""
<br><font color="red" size="5" style="text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;">[ </font><font color="white" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 10px;"="" face="Rye"><font color="red" size="5" style="text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;"><b>AYYILDIZ TIM - HACKED BY <font color="white" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 10px;"="" face="Rye">FORUM DENETLEME GOZLEM BIRIM KOMUTANLIGI</font></b></font> <font color="red" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 30px;"="" face="Rye">]</font><br>
<br><font color="red" size="5" style="text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;">[ </font><font color="white" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 10px;"="" face="Rye">| SPYDARK | ANARCHOSA | LAVANİA |</font> <font color="red" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 30px;"="" face="Rye">]</font><br>
<br><font color="red" size="5" style="text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;">[ </font><font color="white" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 10px;"="" face="Rye">| DEFENDER �MHA T�M� |</font> <font color="red" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 30px;"="" face="Rye">]</font><br>
<br><font color="red" size="5" style="text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;">[ </font><font color="white" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 10px;"="" face="Rye">| DELUCA| LEXİE| REVONZOY |</font> <font color="red" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 30px;"="" face="Rye">]</font><br>
<br><font color="red" size="5" style="text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;">[ </font><font color="white" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 10px;"="" face="Rye">| KASARİA | MECTRUY |</font> <font color="red" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 30px;"="" face="Rye">]</font><br>
<br><font color="red" size="5" style="text-shadow: #CFB53B 0 0 30px;">[ </font><font color="red" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 10px;"="" face="Rye">�MHA T�M� - WEB HACK B�R�M KOMUTANLI�I</font> <font color="red" size="5" text-shadow:="" #cfb53b="" 0="" 30px;"="" face="Rye">]</font><br>
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